You will have noticed that Sleep Dep has been... um... sort of floundering for the past wee while. This has been a general trend in my creative output over the past year or so, and it's something I hope to be rectifying to some degree in the coming weeks. What that means in terms of SD, who can say. We shall see.
Meanwhile - about a year ago I started another blog, which initially had the lame title "The CG Book Plow Project". Anyways after a year of total stasis it seems to be taking on some semblance of life, has a cooler name and is located here.
The idea of SBQCYSIATTR is that, well...
Basically after a bit of hiatus I've started reading again, so it's a blog where I write up my thoughts on what I've read, or maybe do a post about things that interest me to do with reading, or books, or what have you. It's kind of like a review site, except not, since I'm not the world's best book reviewer and don't necessarily intend to become a great, insightful reviewer. Maybe it could become like a discussion-forum-type-deal to do with reading. I dunno.
Anyway it's there. Check it out. It's nothing flash. Here is a picture of Perez Prado.